What is arthrosis of the joints. Causes and treatment of arthrosis

First, let's define what osteoarthritis is. Osteoarthritis, or arthrosis, is an articular disease in which the cartilage tissue of the interarticular surfaces is damaged. At the same time, not only articular cartilages are involved in the pathological process, but also ligaments, synovial membrane, periarticular muscles.

Arthrosis can be of two forms: localized, in which one of the joints is affected (arthrosis of the foot, knee joint, etc. ), and generalized. The types of this disease depend on the affected joint and are:

  • coxarthrosis (or hip);
  • gonarthrosis (or knee);
  • arthrosis of the distal interphalangeal joints (Heberd's nodes);
  • damage to the proximal interphalangeal joints;
  • polyosteoarthritis of the joints of the hands (Kelgen's disease);
  • shoulder arthrosis;
  • spondylarthrosis of the lumbosacral region;
  • arthrosis of the ankle (arthrosis of the foot).

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • pain and deformity
  • "dry" crunch in the joint,
  • reduced mobility (due to reduced joint space and muscle spasm around the inflamed joint).

The joint may swell, the color of the skin over it change (redness appears). In some cases, the temperature rises.

There are four degrees of the disease (according to some sources, only 3)

  1. At the first degree, the presence of problems in the joint can be determined by the presence of crunching, tingling and accompanying pain. However, the body temperature does not rise, swelling does not occur. It is advisable to start treatment already from the initial stage of the development of the disease.
  2. In the second degree of development of the disease, there are visible changes. There is constant fatigue and a feeling of pressure on the affected area, which increases with physical exertion. Decreased joint mobility.
  3. The third degree is accompanied by symptoms of constant severe pain in the joints (even at rest). There is an increased sensitivity to weather conditions. The joints can completely fail, and the person becomes incapacitated.
  4. The fourth degree of the disease is the presence of constant severe pain, in which potent drugs are powerless.

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of various types of osteoarthritis.

Symptoms and treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint

Symptoms of the disease are characterized by pain or just a pulling sensation in the groin, especially in the evening, after physical activity during the day. Unpleasant sensations quickly pass. However, if not treated on time, the pain becomes longer and more intense even with minor exertion. The patient begins to limp, trying to reduce the load on the inflamed organ. Movement becomes more and more constrained. With the progression of the disease, atrophy of the thigh muscles and shortening of the diseased limb occur.

Depending on the degree of the disease, treatment can be with or without surgical intervention (III-IV degree).

Naturally, the sooner the disease is diagnosed and appropriate treatment is started, the less likely it is that the disease will progress and the patient will maintain a high quality of life.

So, at the initial (I and II stages), various medications, special gymnastics, manual therapy and a mandatory diet in such cases will help. The diet is aimed at reducing the patient's weight to reduce the load on the joints (if there is a problem of overweight, of course). It is also important to eat vegetables and fruits to supply the body with vitamins and minerals. Saturation with protein, which is the basis of any connective tissue, is a priority, so dairy and legume products, jelly, low-fat jelly should be included in the diet.

The patient may be prescribed a course of acupuncture and physiotherapy, which, in addition to the gymnastics already mentioned above, may include underwater massage, thermal therapy, hydro- and balneotherapy, electrotherapy. Orthopedic structures can be used (use of a cane when walking, wedge-shaped pillows, lifting seats, orthoses).

Drugs prescribed to the patient in the treatment of this disease (I-II degrees):

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. These medicines are designed to relieve pain in the groin and hip, not directly to treat joints;
  • chondroprotectors. The drugs contribute to the restoration of the structure of the damaged cartilage of the joint and nourish the cartilage, i. e. intended for the treatment of joints;
  • Muscle relaxants are used to relieve muscle spasm. It should be used with caution, as often the body thus protects the joint from greater destruction.
  • ointments and creams. Intended to alleviate the condition of the patient, but not for treatment.
  • drugs for injection into a diseased organ. They are rarely used to eliminate pain.

Manual therapy is the application of one of two methods. During mobilization, the doctor performs a gentle extension of the hip joint, in which the bones that articulate with each other are bred. If everything is done correctly, the movement of the diseased organ is partially restored and the spasm decreases. However, the technique is quite lengthy (up to 15 procedures per year) and must be comprehensive, i. e. be accompanied by medication and other types of treatment.

The doctor performs manipulation with the help of a sharp single movement, which brings immediate relief to the patient, however, this technique is effective in the initial stages of the disease in combination with other methods of treatment.

Surgical intervention is performed in the last stages of the disease. Various types of operations can be used, which depend on the specifics of the disease. Thus, joint-saving operations are performed with corrective osteotomies of the proximal femur and pelvis. Operations to close the hip joint and operations to replace the joint (or arthroplasty).

Arthrosis of the legs

It is possible to designate 2 types of deforming arthrosis of the legs: primary and secondary. Primary is characterized by the absence of visible causes of the development of the disease and is considered genetic. Secondary arthrosis of the legs develops against the background of any disease (for example, flat feet) or injuries.

Arthrosis of the joints of the legs is a general definition for diseases of the ankle (arthrosis of the foot) and gonarthrosis. Symptoms and treatment of articular disease of the legs (foot and knee) are discussed below.

Arthrosis of the foot: what are the symptoms and how to treat

Symptoms are characterized by a crunch in the ankle, aching pain when walking, which disappears at rest, limited joint mobility, swelling of the feet and reddening of the skin in the joints, as well as atrophy of the adjacent muscles. Most often, the joints of the toes are affected. Arthrosis of the foot is diagnosed by X-ray.

Treatment of arthrosis of the foot, as well as the hip joint, can be surgical and non-surgical. Non-surgical methods include (in the initial stages of the disease):

  • orthopedic shoes or the use of orthopedic insoles in comfortable shoes,
  • low heel in shoes (3-4 cm),
  • physiotherapy,
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
  • special medical gymnastics.

If arthrosis of the foot has reached II-III degree, analgesics can be prescribed and surgical intervention may be performed.

It is also important to follow a diet for overweight patients (to reduce the load on the joints of the legs). Shoes should be comfortable, with low heels and not restrict movement.

Medicines are needed to relieve pain and help regenerate cartilage in affected joints.

Physiotherapy includes foot massage, therapeutic baths, infrared laser therapy, UV radiation, UHF therapy, magnetic and ultrasound therapy.

Surgical treatment methods can be:

  • arthrodesis, in which there is a rigid fixation of the diseased area,
  • arthroplasty, when the affected joint is restored with surgery,
  • endoprosthetics - completely replace the diseased joint with an artificial one.

Symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

As with other types of arthrosis, the symptoms of emerging knee cartilage disease are mild pain during exertion, which disappears at rest. The knee may swell. Often occurs after leg fractures and dislocations.

A characteristic crunch occurs at stage II of the disease and is accompanied by pain. There is also a limitation of joint mobility, fluid accumulation is possible.

Treatment includes medications and healing procedures:

  • ozone therapy as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent,
  • kinesitherapy is the performance of special exercises to improve the elasticity of the ligaments and blood circulation,
  • taking homeopathic medicines.

Treatment of arthrosis in folk ways

Of course, folk remedies should not be taken as a panacea for such a serious illness as arthrosis. But in combination with the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, folk remedies will speed up recovery.

lavender oil for arthritis
  1. In order to relieve painful symptoms, it is possible to use cabbage juice, in which a natural piece of wool is soaked and then compresses are made every evening. It is necessary to use cabbage juice within three days, after which it is necessary to make fresh.
  2. Compresses are also made from a whole leaf of cabbage, smeared with honey. We apply the smeared side to the joint, wrap it with cellophane film and wrap it warmly. We leave it all night.
  3. To relieve symptoms in arthrosis of the legs, crushed white chalk or eggshells and kefir are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which is applied to the foot at night in the form of a compress. The calcium contained in these products improves blood flow and, accordingly, relieves pain and swelling.
  4. Oatmeal compress also helps to reduce pain in arthrosis of the joints. For a compress, it is necessary to cook a thick porridge, cool it, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to the sore spot overnight. You can use only once, then brew fresh.
  5. To relieve pain, you can prepare an oral drink. To do this, add 1 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. l. olive oil and half a teaspoon of grated garlic. It should be taken 2 times a day when pain occurs.

Once again, we note that the main thing is to treat arthrosis in a comprehensive and timely manner, in order to avoid serious complications and surgical intervention.